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08015, Barcelona
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Dentistry for pregnant women


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VIP dentistry for pregnant women in Barcelona

Dentistry for pregnant women in Barcelona is a modern trend in the field of dental services. It appeared quite recently. The fact is that pregnant women need special, safe dental and gum treatment using special equipment. VIP Dentistry only Corona Dental for pregnant women is able to provide reliable treatment that will not harm either the unborn child or his mother.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes severe changes. This process, of course, affects the condition of the teeth. Due to hormonal changes and lack of calcium, teeth are seriously affected. Caries develops several times faster during pregnancy than usual. If the carious disease is not cured in time, it will lead to severe complications such as pulpitis and periodontitis. It is impossible to start dental diseases during pregnancy in any case. The body of a mother and a child is a single whole, so bacteria from the oral cavity can easily reach the baby. As a result, the newborn's immunity will significantly weaken. Do not put your child at such risk!

Pregnant women often suffer from various gum diseases, the most common of which is gingivitis. Gingivitis in pregnant women causes inflammation of the gums caused by the general condition of the woman's body. Bad breath is an unpleasant symptom of gingivitis. The reason for this disease of pregnant women lies in a change in the hormonal background. It is quite difficult to cure gingivitis during pregnancy. And without dental care, inflammation can turn into a chronic form. It is not uncommon for pregnant women to start bleeding gums, this is due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the woman's body.

The elite dental clinic Corona Dental offers pregnant women to undergo prevention of bleeding gums. We work according to unique methods. All procedures performed by us are harmless and painless.  

Many patients ask: "Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?".

We confidently respond: "Treating teeth for pregnant women is not only possible, but also necessary." However, you should take a very responsible approach to choosing a dental clinic. We recommend that you seek help at the VIP dentistry for pregnant women in Barcelona, where the woman will be surrounded by attention and care. If going to a regular dental clinic can be accompanied by stress due to queues, inappropriate attitude from the staff and other troubles, then visiting

VIP dentistry for pregnant women will bring only pleasant emotions to a woman. Psychological calmness is so important for the expectant mother!
The elite dental clinic Corona Dental is a VIP dentistry for pregnant women of the highest European level. We do our best to create comfortable conditions for a pregnant woman to stay in the clinic. Our expectant mother will be able to relax and forget about her problems.

We appreciate your time and offer a unique "One-visit Treatment" service. Any procedure in our VIP dentistry for pregnant women in Barcelona Catalonia lasts no more than three hours.

VIP dentistry for pregnant women is a guarantee of the safety of mother and baby.
For more information, please contact the phone numbers listed on the website.

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There are contraindications for all clinic services, expert advice is needed.
Corona Syrrus S.L.
CIF B67154021
Registro sanitario E08706004
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