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08015, Barcelona
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Home / Articles / Do you want to put a crown on a chewing tooth in Barcelona?

Do you want to put a crown on a chewing tooth in Barcelona?

Do you want to put a crown on a chewing tooth in Barcelona?

Are you allergic to cermets?
Is aesthetics important to you?

In "Corona Dental" we install crowns in Barcelona made of zirconium dioxide. This is the most aesthetic replacement for metal ceramics.

See our new restoration in the slides.

Zirconium dioxide crowns:

It is indistinguishable from the enamel on the front and chewing teeth.
Stronger than native fabrics and ceramics.
 Even after 5 years, they will remain the same, and the gums will not change their color.
Zirconium does not cause mucosal rejection and allergies.
Minimum turning of your tooth and full fit of the crown.

There will never be cracks on such crowns – the crystal structure changes at high voltage, so even when struck, cracks do not appear.
High tensile strength allows the manufacture of bridges for the back teeth.
Perfectly compatible with implants.

At Sirona Dental, we don't choose between durability and aesthetics. We combine the best technologies to make your teeth last a long time:

The history of the toothbrush

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There are contraindications for all clinic services, expert advice is needed.
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