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Dental clinic Corona Dental
08015, Barcelona
c/Entença, 69
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Brushing teeth from a stone in Barcelona

Brushing teeth from a stone in Barcelona

5 things that "give" teeth an unpleasant shade:

✔️Some medications
✔️Love for drinks and products with dyes

The appearance of spots can be easily eliminated at the initial stage, but if you start darkening, then caries can begin to form under them.

See an example of how we made the smile bright again with the help of professional hygiene!

What does Air Flow do?

✔️with the help of a sandblaster, it gently cleanses the enamel from traces of pigmentation and plaque
✔️returns the natural color to the teeth, that is, lightens by 2-3 tones
✔️prevents the appearance of caries
✔️does not injure the enamel and gum

We remove tartar using ultrasonic cleaning.

Take care of your teeth at Corona Dental at a discounted price!

Only until the end of 2020, purchase an annual subscription:

Standard: 2 professional hygiene procedures per year - 120€ instead of 140€.
Braces: 4 professional hygiene procedures per year - 240€ instead of 280€.

Why is a subscription profitable?

Starting from January 2021, there will be an increase in prices for occupational hygiene.
The subscription allows you to save money throughout the year.

The history of the toothbrush

The history of the toothbrush

A toothbrush is an everyday object of our daily life. We don't wonder how it got to us, but the history of this essential accessory for hygienic dental care is actually very fascinating. Let's dive into the history of the toothbrush together and find out how it has evolved from the times of ancient civilizations to modern innovative models.

Headache? Check Your Bite: How an Incorrect Bite Affects Your Health

Headache? Check Your Bite: How an Incorrect Bite Affects Your Health

Statistics tell us that around 80% of people who have problems with their bite and experience stress complain of headaches. But how can we explain this relationship? In this article, we will examine how the absence of teeth, their wear, incorrect positioning, and other bite problems can affect your overall health.

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How can we help you?

There are contraindications for all clinic services, expert advice is needed.
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