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Home / Articles / Teeth whitening: the price of a service in Barcelona

Teeth whitening: the price of a service in Barcelona

Teeth whitening has become one of the most popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry. If you dream of a pearly white smile, the "Corona Dental" clinic in Barcelona offers professional teeth whitening under the supervision of experienced dentists. In this article, we will tell you about the process, its benefits, and post-whitening care recommendations.

Types of Teeth Whitening
In modern dentistry, there are several methods of teeth whitening, but two of them are the most popular and effective: laser whitening and photo whitening. The choice of method depends on your preferences and individual indications.

Laser Whitening
Laser whitening is considered one of the most effective and quick methods. During the procedure, a special gel is applied to your teeth and activated by a laser. This process allows for instant results and significant teeth whitening in just one session.

Photo Whitening
Photo whitening is based on the use of a special lamp that activates the whitening gel. This method is less intensive but also provides good results.

Recommended Whitening Method
At the "Corona Dental" clinic, we recommend whitening using cold light as the safest and most reliable method for your enamel. With this technique, you will see the first results in as little as 30 minutes after the procedure.

Preparing for Whitening
Before starting the whitening process, you need to take several important steps:

Check for Cavities: If you have cavities, it is essential to treat them before whitening.

Healthy Gums: Your gums should be healthy and free from inflammation.

Teeth Cleaning: Prior to the procedure, perform a thorough dental cleaning to ensure that the enamel surface is absolutely clean.

Post-Whitening Precautions
To maintain the results of whitening as long as possible and avoid reverse pigmentation, follow these recommendations for the first 2-3 days:

Avoid food and drinks with colorants, such as carbonated beverages, citrus fruits, tea, coffee, and wine.
Duration of Whitening Effects
The duration of the whitening effect depends largely on your habits and dental care. Regular brushing three times a day, quitting smoking, and limiting the consumption of staining drinks such as red wine, coffee, and tea will help you keep your smile dazzling for longer.

Professional teeth whitening at the "Corona Dental" clinic in Barcelona is an effective and safe way to achieve a bright smile. Don't miss the opportunity to improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence.

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