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Home / Articles / When are children not afraid of dentists?

When are children not afraid of dentists?

The answer is right away: when they are not scared!

Of course, an adult, after reading only the title of this article, is already beginning to experience abdominal discomfort, a chill on the skin and goosebumps. All these fears come from childhood. From our childhood. From the time when dentists did not possess the arsenal of modern technology, techniques and painkillers that are currently used. Dentistry has been developing since the days when you and I were children, dentistry has moved far forward, and you and I have grown up, but unfortunately fears have remained. We pass on our fears to our children. It's no secret that the generation of 35-45-year–olds is a dentitically neglected generation.

We turn to the doctor, to our great regret (unfortunately for your wallet too) only when it is impossible to tolerate the pain and the healing of the tooth turns out to be a big question. In 70% of cases, namely neglected cases, it is not possible to carry out high-quality therapy and other tooth-preserving manipulations. The patient loses his teeth and it is no longer possible to do anything except dental implantation and classical prosthetics. Dental implantation, just like prosthetics, is a financially more expensive process than the treatment of caries in the initial stage.

It is easy to conclude that regular visits to the dentist, timely detection and treatment of dental diseases will save both your budget and your teeth.

About brave children.
Why are most modern kids not afraid of dentists? It's very simple – you, the parents, just didn't have time to scare them yourself! Fears, your own, are transmitted to children, even if you say such encouraging phrases as you think: "It doesn't hurt! It's not scary! Etc." Children do not hear the particle "not", and the child, during his first visit in his life, will think that suddenly it hurts? Is it scary? And he will wait and be afraid with you.

Do not discuss how "it was" with you. All your impressions are in your past. Now everything is different in dentistry.
There is no pain! And the fears? – there is no pain, so there is no fear! What's the point of being afraid of a person who won't do any harm? Come to the dentist as if, for example, you came to visit new acquaintances. Get to know each other better, chat.

Children are not afraid of our dentists! They become friends.
Do young patients trust doctors not only with their health, but even with small secrets?. Children are very intelligent, sometimes smarter than you and me.

Stories about our friends.
A young couple and a daughter Natasha (5 years old). The child's first visit to Corona Dental for acute pain. The "green", trembling parents. The girl is crying, they all go to the doctor's office together. From behind the door of the office, the crying of a child and parental persuasion can be heard for several minutes. After the parents' attempt to arrange distracting, as it seemed to them, "dancing with tambourines" in front of their daughter, the doctor asks the parents to go out and wait. A minute, another – Natasha is not crying, a calm conversation between the doctor and a small patient is heard, then work. By the way, at the moment when the dental unit turned on, Natasha's dad, hearing the sounds of working equipment, ran outside to "get some air." Mom asked for a sedative and waited. About 15 minutes later, Natasha smilingly walked out of the office with the doctor by the hand. The tooth was cured.

Now Natasha herself reminds her parents that they need to go to the clinic for an examination. She says "to visit" the doctor. And recently, she came with Dad. Moreover, it was not clear who brought whom, the father of the daughter or vice versa. While waiting for the preparation of the office, Natasha was having an important conversation with her dad about the importance of regular visits to the dentist. Was it fun to watch?. By the way, dad is still afraid of dentists, and Natasha has already brought her mother to her doctor. Mom, everything is very neglected, the treatment will be a long time, but that's another story. And the girl Natasha will have beautiful, healthy teeth! Because she understood the main thing – the main thing is to prevent dental disease, than to treat it later! And that a doctor is a friend!

The story of Lisa (4.5 years). The girl's parents are patients of the Corona Dental Clinic in Barcelona. My mother was observed by us even before pregnancy. It is worth noting that parents, especially mom, are attentive to their teeth. They regularly undergo professional dental cleaning. I don't have to remind you. For the first time, the girl was shown to the dentist at the moment of eruption of the first baby teeth. Everything is as per the textbook - the teeth are on time, there are no problems. That is, professional examinations, as well as those of parents, are already a rule for Lisa. In Lisa's story, the main thing is the lack of fear of the doctor. One day, at the clinic, while mom was talking with the administrator, Lisa went to an open office on her own, and settled into an armchair, waiting for her favorite doctor to come? The word "afraid" in combination with the word doctor is unknown to Lisa.

The story of Alyosha (9 years old). Alyosha is a handsome man, a favorite of all girls, starting from kindergarten. A charming young man, gallant, well-read, witty. One day, after inquiring about the age of our doctor, he asked for permission to marry her?. After receiving a correct refusal, he shared that he had a girlfriend in class who was paying him attention. And Alyosha, in principle, does not mind reciprocating, but she bites pencils and the girl, according to Alyosha, is likely to have problems with her teeth, which is very alarming to him?. The boy, quite seriously, asked our doctor for advice on how best to convince his girlfriend to leave the bad habit.

History Seeds (7 years old), has been observed in the clinic since the age of 5. Many children have long believed in Santa Claus, do not doubt the existence of the Tooth Fairy. Semyon is 100% sure that the Tooth Fairy should be called, not a fictional creature that leaves money for a fallen tooth, but all pediatric dentists (women). The boy suffered from toothache for a long time, his parents believed that his baby teeth would still change and did not attach importance to Semyon's complaints. They tried to cope with folk remedies, rinses and lotions with a decoction of herbs. Nevertheless, the parents (again overcoming their fears and prejudices against dentists) brought the child to the reception. The situation, it should be noted, was already very serious – pulpitis on 2 teeth. There were tears, they convinced me, they coped. The boy later sincerely thanked his doctor and apologized for the first tears. Now, when he comes to the clinic, he asks if the Tooth Fairy (first name and patronymic) is taking today. Is it pleasant from the bottom of your heart ?Teeth are regularly cleaned by a doctor, the ACC in self–hygiene gives advice to parents on the technique and duration of self-brushing.

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