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Home / Articles / Wisdom tooth: should I remove it or leave it?

Wisdom tooth: should I remove it or leave it?

When a wisdom tooth erupts, it can cause discomfort and pain. And after it has fully grown, two conditions can occur as a result of this: either the new unit causes absolutely no harm or discomfort, or it provokes ailments such as caries, persistent inflammation, malocclusion, and so on.

In the second case, wisdom tooth extraction is a necessary measure. What should I do if it doesn't bother me at all, delete it or leave it?

Doctors' opinion
As strange as it may sound, even the opinions of dentists on this matter vary significantly. The question of whether to remove a wisdom tooth or leave it is misleading, because any surgical intervention implies the presence of side effects and complications. On the other hand, leaving a peculiar abnormal phenomenon in the mouth is also dangerous, it can also lead to various problems.

For example, in New Guinea, wisdom tooth extraction is carried out in any case, regardless of whether it brings discomfort and complications or not. At the same time, in America, this manipulation is not required, surgical intervention is extremely rare, with the development of complications or at the urgent request of the client.

In Iceland, the eruption of a unit is equivalent to a disease, the removal process is mandatory and must take place in an inpatient setting under the supervision of a doctor. In Russia, as such, there are no rules, no one will insist on an operation. Keep in mind that each case is different and requires a face-to-face examination.

Official research results
British scientists conducted experiments ten years ago. About 300 people were selected at will. Some of them did not remove the third molar and still walk with it, the other half got rid of the unnecessary element in the mouth.

The studies were conducted on the condition of the oral cavity and the tendency to dental and gum diseases. As a result, the scientists came to the conclusion that there are no obvious differences. It should be noted that the research was carried out during the year. The volunteers were monitored regularly.

Making a conclusion
It's up to everyone to delete or leave. Doctors have no right to insist on one option or another, since each of them implies an individual risk. The only thing is, if you decide to eliminate an extra unit, it is better to do it at a younger age. According to statistics, the older you are, the higher the risk of complications.

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